Wednesday, December 21, 2011

So Smooth. So Clean. So Optimistic.

Breath Of Life - Nov2011 - acrylic on canvas - 12 x 16 in

     It's been awhile since I did a painting like this. So smooth, so clean looking. Takes me back to the eighties. It's not how I was expecting to paint it. But this is how it turned out and it was really quite out of my control. Maybe the other way I wanted to paint it is not really me, and this way is? One should not have to think about how one should paint a picture (in terms of style), but as an illustrator I've always exercised that option of having various ones at my disposal, so,  I do find it interesting when the painting, and this is from that first moment the paint touches canvas, that the future of the painting is already dictated sometimes irregardless of ones thoughtful projection and what one ends up with is an illustration of the heart.


Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Subatomic Consciousness

When We Become Smooth - Oct2011 - oil on canvas - 16 x 20 in.

     There will be a time when all the workings of the universe will an integrated part of our innate understanding, not necessarily knowing all the physics of it but the feeling of it. This knowledge will be part of our total being, the point when our body remembers and when everything makes sense.  

Oasis - Oct2011 - oil on canvas - 22 x 22

     This is the beginning of a new series of work called presence. I would like to become more aware of my surroundings. This includes the energy of the space around me as it interacts with the energy that is generated by my internal being.  

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

And now for something completely different.

Jayce In Space - July 2011 -  pencil crayon on paper - 12 x 16 in.

     Even though this is not an actual painting but rather a pencil crayon work, I am including it here in new paintings. I used to do quite a few of these instead of painting. I've always thought of these drawings moreso as a painting because for me it took the place of the actual act of painting and I have always shown them side by side with the paintings. I did not consider them just drawings because of the heavy application of the color that I use which makes me think more of painting. So because of these reasons plus I don't have a blog to highlight new pencil crayon work in, here it is now. Jayce (jay-cee) In Space
     This work is an actual portrait of a little boy named Jayce that I did for the parents. This is from a snapshot they had of him with a scrub brush in hand jumping off the deck into .... the playful universe to find some galaxy to clean up. 

And now for something completely different.

Mirage - Sept 2011 - 22 x 22 in. - oil on canvas

     Last fall (2010) I started to paint in oils for the first time. I've always worked in acrylic so it is a bit different. I don't know how I want to paint yet in this medium. Below are my first two goes at it. I like them a great deal. I did four paintings at this time but two of them I may go back to work on.  One is a figure and one is a memory flower.  This fall I did a few more, and the image above is the first of them. I was planned for it to be a background for something, but I couldn't bring myself to paint the next layer. When I snapped out of painting mode I was surprised by its blurr and liked it all by itself. next week I will show the next two I did.

Petals - Oct 2010 -  16 x 20 in. - oil on canvas 

Moment - Oct 2010 - 22 x 22 in. oil on canvas