Energy Sculpting No.1 - August 2012 - acrylic on cloth bound book cover - 14.5 x 10 in.
Here are two paintings done close together. The top one is very flowery and female in form but it is also a landscape if you turn it right (also female). I seem to do this a lot to my paintings(turning them). I was originally intending to do another more exact bilateral symmetry work like the one below, but as I really had no specific idea as to what I was going to paint, they just seem to take a life unto their own.
The painting below is both male and female and is a bit of a departure for me. It's a bit more physical.... well no it's not really..... maybe it's the juxtaposition of the real with the abstract. It's also a departure because I stopped myself very early from making this a 3 year painting. I start these paintings with symmetrical shapes and they build from there. Some are simple and are done within a day and some take years with work done here and there over time. These longer ones are very difficult to know when they are done. But then again, often with the 'quick' ones, I will enjoy them for the moment, then six months down the road I will see it again and start working on it, only because I am in a different place and I am seeing differently and I want to see more In them. I am learning to just start another painting already, because often when I start painting over a previous one, I will kick myself right away because at that moment I just realized that I just started a long road trip to finishing it and it was fine before and why did I mess it all up and create more work for myself. And it's always a struggle to get there, because you don't know where you are going with it. Then you are never quite sure if you have arrived. The questioning tells me that I haven't arrived. Sometimes I will have sat down for a 3 hour session to put into a painting, then after 5 minutes I realize that it's finished. And you know it is finished, beyond any real knowing because you can feel it. ........

Energy Sculpting No.1 - Aug 2012 - acrylic on masonite - 12.5 x 18.5 in.