Wednesday, December 21, 2011

So Smooth. So Clean. So Optimistic.

Breath Of Life - Nov2011 - acrylic on canvas - 12 x 16 in

     It's been awhile since I did a painting like this. So smooth, so clean looking. Takes me back to the eighties. It's not how I was expecting to paint it. But this is how it turned out and it was really quite out of my control. Maybe the other way I wanted to paint it is not really me, and this way is? One should not have to think about how one should paint a picture (in terms of style), but as an illustrator I've always exercised that option of having various ones at my disposal, so,  I do find it interesting when the painting, and this is from that first moment the paint touches canvas, that the future of the painting is already dictated sometimes irregardless of ones thoughtful projection and what one ends up with is an illustration of the heart.